Best places to travel for extreme sports!

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To some, the thought of jumping hundreds of feet off a cliff into a pool of water below is terrifying. And then there are those who think, Where can I sign up? If you’re part of the latter group of adrenaline junkies, you’ve probably done your fair share of thrilling activities. But there are some places around the world that can provide an experience like no other.

If you’re planning on visiting any of these three areas below, be sure to try an activity that will surely get your blood pumping:

Costa Rica: From beaches to jungles to tropical rainforests, it’s no wonder Costa Rica is a popular tourist favorite. But one of the best ways to see the local fauna and flora? Zip lining through the dense tropical region. Climb across cables and platforms, and slide down lines through the rainforest

canopy. While there are plenty of places to go, Monteverde, Arenal, and Manuel Antonio are known to have some of the best zip lining in the country.

New Zealand: Known as one of the best destinations in the world for extreme sports enthusiasts, New Zealand will be a place you want to return to again and again. Try the Ledge Urban Bungy, whose jumping point is located 1,312 feet over Queenstown. And thanks to a special harness, you can even do flips, twists, and other stunts after you jump. Or, you can always go for a joyful swing on the Nevis Swing, which is the highest of its kind in the world. If being suspended at high Heights isn’t your thing, you can always opt for white water rafting, mountain biking, skydiving, and more.

Switzerland: A popular destination for adrenaline junkies in Europe, Switzerland offers bungee jumping, river rafting, canyon jumping, skydiving, rock climbing, and snowboarding through the Alps. Paragliding is another popular option— if you do go, try it at either Interlaken (1,870 feet

high) or from the top of Schilthorn, which is 9,744 feet high.


To sign up – inscrever-se
To provide(d) – proporcionar, prover
To plan(ed) – planejar
To pump(ed) – bombear
To slide(d) – deslizar
To return(ed) – retornar
To suspend(ed) – suspender, pendurar
To opt(ed) – optar
To offer(ed) – oferecer
Get your blood pumping – fazer seu sangue
bombear, pulsar
Be sure – certifique-se
Thought – pensamento
Below – abaixo
Terrifying – aterrorizante
Latter – último
Junkie – viciado
Fair – justo
Share – parte, parcela
Thrilling – emocionante
Surely – certamente
Beach – praia
Jungle – selva
Rainforest – floresta tropical
No wonder – não admira
Fauna – fauna
Flora – flora
Zip lining – tirolesa
Through – através
Dense – denso
Across – em meio, atravessando
Cables – cabos
Platform – plataforma
Canopy – cobertura
Plenty of – de sobra
Destination – destino
Enthusiast – entusiasta
Again – de novo
Over – acima
Thanks – graças
Harness – cinto
Flip – volta
Twist – torção
stunt – acrobacia
joyful – alegre
swing – balanço
which – o qual
paragliding – parapente
either…or – ou…ou
top – topo

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